

Monday, July 1, 2013

Speed Up Your Internet Connection Just Few Second

Your internet connection is slow? Don't worry about it. Today I'm tell you how to speed up your internet connection just few second. This tricks work with all type of networks (ADSL, Broadband, Wifi). You have change only few settings. Then follow these steps.

Step 01 : Right click on My Computer and click Manage

Step 02 : Now you can see Computer Management console.

1. Click Device Manager

2. Click Ports (COM & LPT)

3. Double click on Communications Port


Step 03 : Now you can see Communications Port Properties window. Now click Port Settings tab. After change bellow settings.

1. Change Bits per second as a 128000

2. Change Flow control as a Hardware

That's all. Now your Port Settings tab looks like that below image. Now click OK and feel your new speed


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