

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

GSM SIM Card is Finally Hacked, Puts 750 Million Users at Risk

The SIM was one of the few common things in tech which were considered impossible to hack. Until now. Karsten Nohl of Security Research Labs (based out of Germany) has finally got a way past the 56-digit unique code and found a simple process which leaves an estimated 750 million SIM cards at risk.

The research was done on a 1000 SIM cards and only the ones which were using the old DES (Data Encryption Standard) standard were found vulnerable. Cracking them is super-easy and takes just 2 minutes. A message is sent to the target SIM card while disguised as the carrier. In response, a message is received containing information needed to find a way past the 56-digit code or the digital key which can allow the hacker to take control of the target SIM.

After getting this information and taking control, the intruder can easily listen to your calls, send text messages and in short, have control over every form of data on your SIM card.

Mr. Nohl said:

“We can spy on you. We know your encryption keys for calls. We can read your S.M.S.’s. More than just spying, we can steal data from the SIM card, your mobile identity, and charge to your account.”

In all, about 25% of the SIM cards which were tested were found susceptible to such penetration. Newer technologies like NFC might be at risk too.

D.E.S. encryption, which is vulnerable to such hacks – is used on about half of the about six billion cellphones. Over the past decade, most operators have adopted a stronger encryption method, called Triple D.E.S., but many SIM cards still run the old standard.

The GSM Association hasn’t confirmed this just yet though as it will investigate the case first but if this, in any way is true, it will pose some serious threats to people using SIM card for much more complex purposes than calling and texting. Mobile payments that is.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Android 4.3's New Notification Service: Read, Dismiss, And Press Action Buttons From Other Apps; Imagine The Wearable Computing Possibilities!

Posted by Ron Amadeo in APK Teardown, Jelly Bean 4.3

I totally missed this in my Android 4.3 teardown, but luckily there are some fellow tinkerers out there, namely Kevin of TeslaCoil Software (maker of fine products such as Nova Launcher andWidgetLocker), picking up my slack. It looks like Google is planning some cool notification services for 4.3, possibly something that gets third party apps into the mix!

Contained in the leaked S4 Android 4.3 build are all sorts of notification-related changes. After being pointed in the right direction, I spotted this:

<string name="manage_notification_access">Notification access</string>
<string name="manage_notification_access_summary_zero">Apps cannot read notifications</string>
<string name="no_notification_listeners">No notification listeners are installed.</string>
<string name="notification_listener_security_warning_title">Enable %1$s?</string>
<string name="notification_listener_security_warning_summary">%1$s will be able to read all notifications posted by the system or any installed app, which may include personal information such as contact names and the text of messages sent to you. It will also be able to dismiss these notifications or touch action buttons within them.</string>

The last string is the most important one, spelling out a new notification service where apps ("Notification Listeners") can read notifications, dismiss them, and activate action buttons in a notification. That sounds like just about everything the notification panel currently does, so, short of launching it from the status bar, it sounds like a 3rd party app would be able to replicate the entire notification panel.

There's even some UI to go along with this. This "Notifications" screen is actually a notificationshistory. The lit up notifications are currently active (Notice the Gmail icon in the status bar) and the grayed out ones are notifications which have been dismissed, which have never been visible in Android before. Tapping on a notification just brings you to the app info screen for that app.

This is exposed in the 4.3 leak as a settings shortcut. So long press on your homescreen, pick "shortcuts," then "settings shortcuts" and you should see a "Notifications" listing. Tap it and you'll get a shortcut for this screen.

The "Notification access" screen can be opened by digging through the Settings activities. The screen currently lists "No notifications listeners are installed," since no one knows how to plug into this yet. Presumably, a "notification listener" is a 3rd party app with access to your notifications.

There are 2 new permissions that power this:

<permission android:label="@string/permlab_accessNotifications" android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NOTIFICATIONS" android:protectionLevel="system|signature" android:description="@string/permdesc_accessNotifications" />

<permission android:label="@string/permlab_bindNotificationListenerService" android:name="android.permission.BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE" android:protectionLevel="signature" android:description="@string/permdesc_bindNotificationListenerService" />

They're called "Access Notifications" and "Notification Listener Service." The puzzling thing is that the protection level for these permissions is too high for 3rd party apps. "Android:protectionLevel="signature" means "Google/OEM only" (whoever signs it) and "android:protectionLevel="system|signature"" means "System apps or Google/OEM only" no one else is allowed to access these permissions. If you scroll up and read the security warnings, though, it's clear this is meant for 3rd party apps. There would be no reason for Google to warn you about themselves and allow you to revoke notifications access from Google Apps.

So we're missing some piece of this puzzle. Maybe in the future the protection level will be lower, or maybe there is some intermediate piece that will connect to these system permissions to other apps.
Potential Applications

If you're wondering what all of this is for, Kevin has some great theories. Right now, apps that need access to your notifications usually hack in through the Accessibility API. A lot of popular apps like Light Flow and Tasker have to deal with this workaround because there is just no supported way to get notification information. This would be a big help for them. I contact Andrew Moore, the developer of Light Flow, for the article, and he reminded me that Google actually gave him a heads-up on one Android 4.3 notification change: Foreground apps will be required to have a status bar icon. The fact that Google contacted him about a future change means they really do care about apps like Light Flow, so maybe they're going to make his life easier with a Notifications API.

This could be a huge boost for wearable computing. The Pebble Smart Watch, is another abuser of the Accessibility API, which it uses to pull down notification info. Google Glass is another notification-challenged wearable, which completely ignores your phone notifications and goes the stand-alone route, with very limited app support as a result. And If Google ever gets around to their own smart watch platform, they're going to run into the same problems as Glass and Pebble. All of these wearable computing platforms need an easy way to read, dismiss, and act on notifications, and it really looks like that's what Google is building. Imagine if your smart watch took advantage of this, and could activate notification action buttons. You'd have a super simple way to archive the latest Gmail message, or pause music on your favorite music player. Controlling your phone's notification panel from another device would make an Android phone the premier companion device for a wearable computer.

The other potential application is for 3rd party notification panels. Android already lets you replace many system components; you're free to swap out the keyboard, home screen and many other bits of Android for 3rd party solutions, why not the notification panel? The notification panel is one of the most customized pieces of Android, so giving OEMs (and 3rd parties) a way to do that without compromising the stock panel would be an amazing feature.

Right now, it looks like there would be enough functionality to replicate the notification panel, but not replace it. As far as I can see, Google would need to implement an intent for the status bar pull-down gesture and separate the notification panel from the rest of the system UI for that to work. This might be a first step in that direction, though.

If Google actually gets this working and open to third parties, Android 4.3 will be a wearable computer's best friend. This is the first 4.3 feature I've seen that's gotten me really excited. Start up the hype train.

I had to call in the experts for this one. Thanks to Kevin from Teslacoil for the tip and pictures, and Andrew Moore, the creator of Light Flow, for fielding a few of my questions. Good team effort!

Cara Mengenali Handphone Ori atau Tak :

Kes penipuan barangan elektronik sekarang semakin menjadi-jadi sehinggakan iPhone 4S pon boleh di ciplak oleh China. Di sini ada tips macam mane nak check atau tentukan sama ada handphone tu original ataupun cap ayam.

Check it out !! Ikut langkah-langkah seperti di bawah ni :

Taip *#06#
Akan keluar IMEI number ( International Mobile Equipment Identity)
Semak no IMEI anda, pada kedudukan ke 7 dan 8. Contoh,358671017470473
Kedudukan no 7 dan 8 adalah seperti ******01*******
Untuk semak sama ada phone ANDA ori atau tidak, check kod di bawah.

02 atau 20 [dari Kilang Emirates atau India] = LOW QUALITY
08 atau 80 [dari Kilang Germany] = FAIR QUALITY
03 @ 30 atau 04 @ 40 [dari Kilang China] = GOOD
06 atau 60 [dari Kilang Hong Kong, China atau Mexico] = GOOD
05 atau 50 [dari Kilang Brazil, USA atau Finland] = VERY GOOD
01 atau 10 [dari Kilang Finland] = VERY GOOD
00 [dari Kilang Asal Handphone] = BEST MOBILE QUALITY
13 [dari Kilang Azerbaijan] = VERY BAD QUALITY & DANGEROUS FOR HEALTH
Apa lagi, jom check handphone anda, moga-moga original..!!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Facebook Beta Updated (Still v3.4)

Facebook is apparently hard at work this 4th of July having just released a new update to its beta Android app. In case you missed it last week, Facebook started using the Play Store beta program to test new versions of the app prior to wide release. If you want in, follow the instructions we posted last time. If you're already in, get ready for a bug-squashing update.

The new version is 3.4, just like the old one. There is a full build number ending in 257298, 257297, 257296, 257295, 257294, 257293, or 257292, but that won't show up in the app. Here's the full changelog:

Facebook says the update fixes 15 total bugs, most of which aren't worth mentioning. For some reason, Facebook posted two slightly different notices about the update. We've aggregated the changelogs above. If you have automatic updating turned on, the app should update by itself. You can also grab the new version with the link below.

Facebook: (Still v3.4) 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag - Preview And Release Date

--> Now Assassin's Creed is very famous adventurer game between gamers.they released their new game (Assassin's Creed 3) few month ago.It's got highest user rating in short time.today i'm going to tell you about their next version of Assassin's Creed series.it's Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag.

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag: Characters

Of course, fans of the series will note that Black Flag’s protagonist has the same last name as the half-British/half-Native American hero from Assassin’s Creed 3.
It turns out that Edward Kenway is Connor’s grandfather, who also joined the order of assassin’s in their fight against the Templars. Black Flag, Ubisoft said, will also not feature Desmond, the future protagonist of the series, so Edward is obviously not part of his bloodline.

Ubisoft said, however, that Black Flag will also feature a lot of figures from the Golden Age of Piracy including Ben Hornigold, the gentlemen pirate, Anne Bonney, one of the rare female captains of the time, Calico Jack and Charles Vane, a pair of unrepentant psychos and Blackbeard, who needs no introduction.

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag: Features

--> At the centre of everything, though, stands Ed Kenway and his progression through the ranks of the League of Assassins. The two trailers shown at the Ubisoft’s London event reveal that players will, naturally, spend some time traversing rooftops, assassinating bad guys and engaging in swordplay with crowds of enemies.
Ubisoft said, however that Black Flag will feature the deepest gameplay the AC series has seen to date.

Players will obviously take control of Kenway’s ship, The Jackdaw, in the game, and will be able to customise it to some degree. There are a raft of new activities including naval battles – featuring boarding party battles –, treasure and whale hunting and deep sea diving. Ubisoft says many of the new activities will push players to explore the deep and rich world they’ve created.

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag: Verdict

What’s even more impressive, is the fact that Black Flag is scheduled for release this year – a turnaround time from AC3 that seems miniscule given the scope and breadth of what Ubisoft hope to accomplish with the game.
It’s certainly a new step for the series, gameplay wise, and like every Assassin’s Creed game, it looks absolutely gorgeous. We can’t wait to buckle a swash with Black Flag come this autumn.29 October 2013

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag: Screenshot

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag release date: 29 October 2013

Source by t3

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Samsung Flexible Display Phone - Samsung "Youm"

--> Mobile device with flexible display! Can you believe it? Yes you have to believe it. Samsung’s aiming to make smartphone tech a little less rigid with the introduction of new, flexible screens that can be used in smartphones and tablets to make them more resilient.

--> Samsung device head Stephen Woo and lab lead Brian Berkeley showed off bendable, rollable, foldable displays with several concept devices at the Consumer Electronics Show. Samsung has bename This flexible screens as Youm, are designed to have displays as rich and crisp as current smartphones, but with more options for form factors.

The company also showed off a number of hardware components and processors that will let its devices run faster and more powerfully, while also consuming less energy than current devices. The company’s presentation was light on details about when any of the tech would actually appear in consumer devices.

If you like this post, please share it for your friends and don't forget comment about it.

How To Add Your All Friends To Group Just One Click

Hello friend's,Three weeks ago i told you about .Today i came back with most useful JavaScript code.If you want add your friends to some group you must add your friends to it one by one.it's very boring task.So i'll tell you how to do it very easy way. Follow these introductions.
Log in you facebook account and go to Account Settings > Security > Secure Browsing.Now Unclick Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) when possible and Save Changes

If you using Google Chrome web browser Right click anywhere on you group and click Inspect element.

Now click Console tab and past this JavaScript in there.and press Enter.


Now you can see your friends automatically adding your group.

For Firefox Usrer's

Press Ctrl + Shift + K

Now past this JavaScript in there.and press Enter


Now you can see your friends automatically adding your group.

After all friends adding you have to refresh you browser when you can see your group member count increased.

Finally i want tell you,this script is Secure.i'm start using it about two month ago.but not find any error yet.so if you like this post don't forget comment about this and please Join our Group

How To Use Glass Media Player (Aero)

This Aero Media Player is developed and created only for Aero Addicted peopled.This App is created for visually see like Windows Media Player(But with full transparency like "Aero")

1. Full Aero Support

2. Task bar Buttons for stop , pause ,play and volume mute or mute off

3. Perfect Outer Glow of pause and play button just like Windows Media Player 12

4. Small size Application with compare to Windows Media Player.

5. It also shows preview of Album Art /Album Cover of song in taskbar thumbnail...(when you mouse over it`s thumbnail in taskbar)

6. Shows status of current media player in taskbar(means how many part of song is played)

Future Enhancement:-

1. Playing multiple files At a time ..

2. Add supports for video toooo

3. Playlist option

4. Forward and Rewind of Song (In this version i provided buttons for it but it dose not work right now it is just provided for eye candy)

5. Support for windows xp

Application Information:-

Name :- Aero Media Player

Still in Beta

Version :- 0.1

Year:- 2011Free Download Glass Media Player

How to use:-

1.Simple by opening Aero Media Player.exe --then--> click on Open button --then--> select song for playing

2. Or second method [for directly playing by double click on song]

right click on mp3 file --then--> mouse over on open with --then--> click on Choose Program.. --then--> click on browse and

--then--> manually search Aero Media Player.exe and Select it --then--> then it appears in open with dialog --then--> select it

and tick on Always Open with this program which is left side of Browse.. button --then--> OK

[then U`v done it]

Change Your Desktop As a 3D (Shock Desktop 3D)

You can change your default desktop style with "Shock Desktop 3D" software.

Shock Desktop 3D is a tool that transforms your desktop into a 3D environment, where the icons are cubes that you can move however you like. The three dimensional effect creates a bigger sensation of amplitude to our desktop and, what's more, you can pass some time changing the position of each of the cubes that represent the icons.

This application has a series of simple configurations so that you can design your desktop in 3D however you like:

- Change the size of the icons.
- Change the shape of the icons (counters or cubes).
- Modify the colors of the background and the shadows.
- Adjust the speed at which the 3D elements move.

When you have Shock Desktop 3D installed you won't be able to stop throwing the icons of your desktop to see inertia with which they move, pile all of them in various ways or hit one icon with the other. This application will convert your desktop into a working area with a sensation of width that will surely forget about the one you used to use..

Try Shock Desktop 3D and manage to get a three dimensional desktop that as well as creating a nice work environment will entertain you.

Requirements: This download requires a ZIP compatible compressor.

Note: It only works with video cards that are compatible with three dimensional acceleration.

Need For Speed Rivals - The Next Racing Game Of NFS Series

Everyone's know that Need for speed is the best racing game series in the whole world. The other day they announced about their next game. It's Need For Speed Rivals. They are thinking release their next game end of this year, Then November 19th.

Risk Everything in the Ultimate Rivalry

Welcome to Redview County, where a street-racing rivalry between cops and racers never stops as both sides push the limits to win followers and support in an all-out media war.


Defeat your rivals by any means necessary

Racers are lone wolves out for their own glory; driving agile cars built for high speed racing and epic chases. Cops work in teams to hunt down and bust racers using the full power of the police force.

Switch roles whenever you like, and watch the stakes grow through a new scoring system that puts your speed points on the line letting you push how far you’ll go for greater rewards.

Destroying the line between singleplayer and multiplayer

New in Need for Speed Rivals, All-Drive destroys the line between singleplayer and multiplayer gameplay. Seamlessly join a world where your friends are already racing and chasing. No lobbies. No waiting.

Paths cross and experiences merge, creating a world where your race and your friend's pursuit collide.-->

Experience speed that you can truly feel

The power of the Frostbite 3 gaming engine brings the breathtaking scope and high speed action of Redview County to life. Every detail of the game world is rendered in stunning, high definition, next generation graphics, while weather conditions constantly change as you race and chase in snow, hail, rain, dust storms and heavy fog.

Connect with the Need for Speed Network to drop roadblocks or alert friends of inbound cops. Compare your progress against your rivals and share pictures of your best races and chases.

Personalize your cars with performance and style

Power up your car with the latest upgrades in pursuit technology and personalize your bodywork with fresh paintjobs, liveries, custom license plates, rims, and decals to show off your style to your friends and rivals.

Save different configurations and keep a variety of car packages on alert to leave your mark no matter the situation.

Use the latest technology and upgrades customized to each side of the law

Intense racing moments are made even more thrilling with access to technology and upgrades customized to each side of the law.

Racers can choose evasion technology from jammers to electromagnetic pulses. Cops are outfitted for aggressive busts with shockwaves, roadblocks, helicopter support and more. No matter the side you choose, use technology to stay one step ahead of your rivals.

Source : Need For Speed Official Web Site

If you like this post please share it for your friends and don't forget comment about it.

Most Useful Short Keys In Windows 8

Getting around Windows 8 Start Screen and Desktop

Win Toggle between Desktop and Start Screen (or open Apps)
Ctrl+Tab On Start Screen: Switch Between Start Window and All Apps Window
Win, then Ctrl+Tab Open All Apps Window
Win, then start typing App Name Search and execute Apps
Escape Close Start Screen and go to Desktop
Win+E Run Explorer on Desktop
Win+R Execute Run on Desktop
Win+X Open Power User Commands on Desktop
Alt+F4 Shutdown Windows
Win+L Lock Computer
Win+F1 Open Windows Help

Windows 8 Charme Shortcuts

Tip: Pressing Escape typically closes most Charme menus.
Win+C Open Windows Charme. Use arrow keys and enter to select item. Press
Win+Q Search Charme / last search option
Win+F Search Files
Win+W Search Windows Settings
Win+I Open Settings including Desktop, Control Panel, Personalization, PC Info, Help
Win+H Share Charme
Win+K Device Charme
Win+S Search Settings
Win+F Search Files
Win+Z Show Options / App Bar in current Metro Apps if available.


Switch between Apps and Windows

Alt+Tab andAlt+Shift+Tab Cycle between all Windows and Apps. Press and holdAlt key before pressing Tab. Release Tab on Window/App you want to open. While tabbing, addShift to key combination to go backwards.
Ctrl+Alt+Tab thenArrow Keys Cycle between open Apps without having to keep Altpressed. Press keys once, then use Arrow keys andEnter to select Window/App.
Win+Tab andWin+Shift+Tab Same as Alt+Tab, but only includes Apps only, not Windows on Desktop
Ctrl+Win+Tab, thenArrow keys Same as Ctrl+Alt+Tab, but only includes Apps, not Desktop Windows

Windows 8 Taskbar

Win+T Go to first item in Taskbar, continue with arrow keys
Win+B Go to first item in System Tray
Shift+click on a taskbar item Start new instance of Taskbar item
Ctrl+Shift+click on a taskbar item Start new instance of Taskbar item as administrator
Shift+right-click on a taskbar item Show the window menu for the program
Win+1...9 Switch to application in position N on Taskbar (or launch pinned application)
Shift+Win+1...9 Start new instance of taskbar item in position N onTaskbar
Unfortunately, Microsoft removed the possibility to select multiple taskbar items in Windows 7 (and did still not re-introduce in Windows 8)

Navigating Desktop

Arrow Keys Navigate between and select single icons on desktop (when focus is on the desktop)
Home/End Select first / select last object on desktop
Enter Launch active object
Shift+F10 Activate context menu of active icon by simulates right mouse button. Once in the context menu usearrow keys, a-z and enter to select item
Tab, Shift+Tab on empty desktop Navigate between desktop, the quick-launch bar, task bar and notification bar. Then use arrow keys and enter orspace to activate specific icons
A, B, C, ... Pressing the initial letter of the name of any objects will highlight the respective application or folder. Continue typing the object name if multiple objects start with the same letter

Power User Commands Shortcuts

These are also listed in the Power User Command Window. Sorted by their (subjective) importance.
Win+X, P Control Panel
Win+X, T Task Manager
Win+X, E File Explorer (alternative: Win+e)
Win+X, R Run (alternative: Win+r)
Win+X, D Desktop (alternative: Win+d)
Win+X, F Programs and Features
Win+X, C Command Prompt
Win+X, A Elevated Command Prompt (Admin)
Win+X, Y System Information
Win+X, M Device Manager
Win+X, G Computer Management
Win+X, B Mobility Center
Win+X, O Power Options
Win+X, V Event Viewer
Win+X, K Disk Management
Win+X, S Search

Managing Windows 8 Desktop Windows

Win Go to desktop / switch between Desktop and Start Screen or Apps
Win+Arrow Up Maximize Window across screen
Win+Arrow Down Minimize Window (if Restored) or set Window to Restored (if Maximized)
Win+Shift+Arrow Up Maximixe Window vertically
Win+Arrow Right/Arrow Left Move Window to left/center/right. Works across multiple monitors
Win+Shift+Arrow Right/Arrow Left" Move window to left monitor / to right monitor when using multiple monitors
Alt+Space Opens the title bar menu
F11 Turn full page view on or off
Alt+Q Close Window

Windows 8 explorer short key list


Win+E Start Windows Explorer
Alt+Arrow Up Go up one folder
Alt+Arrow Left/Alt+Arrow Right Go to previous folder / go to next folder
Tab/Shift+Tab Switch focus forward/ backward between Address bar, Search Bar, Toolbar, Navigation Pane, and File List (Default is usually File List)
Alt+D or F4 Jump to the Address bar and select absolute address. Copy address with ctrl+c if desired
Ctrl+E or Ctrl+F Jump to Search Box in Explorer
Ctrl+N Open new instance of Windows Explorer
F11 Toggle full-screen mode

Navigate File List and Navigation Pane

Arrow Keys Navigate between files and folders
Enter Open folder or start application
Home/End Jump to first / jump to last item
F2 Change the file name of active item
F2, then Arrow Left/Arrow Right Move one character to the left / to the right in item name
F2, then Ctrl+Arrow Left/Arrow Right Jump one word to the left / to the right of item name
F2, then Home /End Jump to beginning / jump to end of item name
F2, then Ctrl+A Select all/ complete object name including suffix (default excludes suffix)
Arrow Left/Arrow Right Expand folder / collapse folder (navigation pane only)

Select Items in File List and Navigation Pane

Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down Select multiple adjacent items (directly above or below)
Ctrl with Arrow keys andSpace Select multiple non-adjacent items. Hold ctrl, usearrow keys to move to next item, and press space to add/remove from selection
Ctrl+A Select all
A ...Z and 1..9 Press the initial letter any item to jump to it. Continue typing the full name if multiple items start with the same letter

Manage Items in Explorer

Ctrl+C, ctrl+X, ctrl+V Copy, Cut, Paste
Ctrl+Z Undo an action
Ctrl+Y Redo an action
Delete Delete an item and place it into the Recycle Bin
Shift+Delete Delete an item permanently without placing it into the Recycle Bin
Shift+F10 Activate context menu of active object. Replaces the right mouse button. Once in the context menu usearrow keys, a-z and enter to get to the selection
Ctrl+Shift+N Create new folder
Alt+Enter Open Properties dialog box

File List Views

Alt+P Display or hide Preview Pane
Alt+V then D View details. Check View menu for more options
Alt+V then X View extra-large icons. Check View menu for more options
Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel Change size of icon

Top Secrets For Increase Your Typing Speed


If you are finding some job of computer field typing skills is very important qualification for it. So you must improve your typing speed very well for it. So I thought tell you how to do it with few small tricks. There have very easy and cool tricks for improve your typing speed.

Use both hands for it

this is one of the best way to increase your typing speed. If you are using only one or two fingers for typing task, It will slow down your typing speed. So you must use your both hands for typing. To use your both hands correctly with keyboard Put your left hand fingers onA,S,D,F and your right hand fingers on J,K,L and ; keys.

Never look at the keyboard

If you are looking keyboard while you typing, then your typing speed slow down it. This is a very bad habit for professional typing workers. Once you start typing don't look down keyboard until complete one sentence.


Choose compatible implements

If you want increase your typing speed, You have to choose best implements for your work. Specially you must choose comfortable keyboard for your hands and choose comfortable chair for you.

Every time practice

Anything can be done without practice. So use your free times for practice. You can use TypeRacer online tool for your oractice.

Use typing games and programs

Typing practice is very boaring task. So you can do it using some game or programe. There have more typing games and program's in the web. You can improve your typing speed using them. When you playing typing games, you can practice without boring.

Typing games : Keyboard Revolution
QWERY Warriors
Typer Shark
Save the Sailboat Race

How To Run Android Apps And Games On Your PC

--> Actually you know that, Android is one of the most popular and emerging operating system. Android is popular due to its freedom and high quality games and apps. In free time,users enjoy to play games on their operating system.

But anyone can't buy android phones, so they can't use android apps and games. But I found some solution for this problem. You can now run any Android game on your computer by simply installing a "BlueStacks" program. So today,I will give you a step by step tutorial so you will be able to run almost every Android game on your computer without any trouble.

Step 01 : You can download BlueStacks from here and after downloading you have to install it. Remember that you must connect with internet before install BlueStacks.

Step 02 : After complete BlueStacks installation you can see BlueStacks home page. There have blue colour search button on right corner. When you click this icon you will receive popup box and you can type what you want (app name or game name).

Step 03 : After searching you can see search result and just click on the "Install' button. Then game will download your computer and it's install automatically.

Step 04 : To run android app or game you already installed, Go to Bluestacks home screen and you can see "My Apps" tab on top of left corner. When you click it you can see list of your installed apps and games. Now double click on that you want you can work with it. -

Best Free WiFi Hacking Tools

--> WiFi is now most famous internet connection type in the whole world.many users are using WiFi for go to the internet.so today i'm going to give you most useful free tools list for hack to WiFi connection.

01 WiFi Buddy


WiFi Buddy is an easy yet functional Wi-Fi network scanner tool:
* Automatic scanning for access points
* Directly connect to open networks
* Quick and easy access to all Wi-Fi settings
* Keep Wi-Fi radio active while idle

App Screenshots

02 The WIFI Hacker


Wi-Fi hacker is the ideal app that simulates gaining access to Wi-Fi networks.If you found a network and you need to know its password this is the ideal app for you. In a few short steps by running an automated script the app will reveal the password.

★ ★ ★ FEATURES ★ ★ ★
✓ WEP/WPA/WPA2 hacking abilities
✓ intuitive interface
✓ easy to run automated scripts

★ ★ ★ TIPS ★ ★ ★
✓ Choose the network you want to crack by selecting it from the list.
✓ Press the crack button to hack the network of choice.
✓ In the next window press -start- to begin hacking the network.
✓ An automated script will be run, accompanied by step and progress description.
✓ You can cancel it at any point by pressing the -cancel- button.
✓ Once the hacking is complete the password is revealed.
✓ You can scroll the -mobile console- to see the contents and progression of the script.
✓ To pause the automated script just enter the main menu.

App Screenshots

03 WiFi Password Hacker ULTIMATE


Wifi Hacker for Android fastest and most advanced one. Hack into anybody private router within your vicinity! Hacking a wireless was never so easy! This app allows to simulate hacking and cracking of wireless WEP, WPA and WPA 2 encrypted network. It is very realistic app, though. Tap on a network and crack the password in a flash!
Old school hackers Terminal look and feel!

- Most advanced one
- Any encryption key will be decrypted
- Hack into any WEP, WPA and WPA wireless network
- Intuitive script running/design

- Start the app
- Tap on a network to hack
- Write down the password
- Use it to crack it

App Screenshots

04 WiFi Hacker PLUS


This application allows you to decrypt the WiFi network from any wireless network in your area.


You can check your IP-DNS-DHCP ....

You need to know the password or disable the password WIFI ..... THIS IS YOUR APP, TE A script will reveal the password.

Multiple encryption types are supported, Security for WEP, WPA and WPA2.

Key: wifi hacker, Hack Wifi, wifipass, wifi pass, password, password hack wifi, wifi hack Plus, wifi key.

WLAN_XXXX ...............................

App Screenshots

05 WiFi Hacker

Wifi Hacker Real is an application to break WEP, WPA and even WPA2 using dictionary method to find password. Application is for hack password on your own router only!

-tap button Wifi Hacker
-tap rescan button to find networks in your localization
-choose network and tap on list
-wait for progress end
-after progress finished, your password will appear below of button

Attention 1: application is free, supported by ads in notifications and banners, you can easily opt out by decline EULA alert dialog

Attention 2: to break wifi on android device you need USB wifi atheros, install Ubuntu for android, install virtual machine for ubuntu, run backtrack 6 on virtual machine, you can use some android virtual machine but not tested

App Screenshots

06 WiFi Hacker Pro


This is the best and the simplest WiFi hacking prank app for Android!
It just simulates the process of hacking, it isn't hacking for real!

Use it wherever you are and make fun out of people! Become a hacker for a few seconds! It's incredibly easy.

App Screenshots

Use all software's only for education purpose.if you like my post please comment about it.