

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Why Android fans need to stop acting butthurt over iOS 7

"Oh man, did you hear that Apple totally copied Android Jelly Bean for its new iOS 7 release!? Yeah, they changed things up but it looks so much like Android/Microsoft/WebOS.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Pretty much everywhere I looked this week I saw Android people complaining about Apple’s new OS. Not for nothing, but I took a few digs myself.

Sure, iOS 7 is an awful lot like some of the aesthetics that we’ve seen in apps and platforms that have been around for a while. Sure, it’s totally different from anything that Apple’s done thus far, but it’s more of acoat of paint than anything. Sure, it’s likely going to cause a lot of developers to create copycat designs and ROMs. But that’s not why I’m here. All of this, rather, makes me excited about the future of Android.

There’s nothing new under the sun, but Apple never claimed there was.

Think about it, most of the core features of Android seem to be at least one generation ahead of the other players. Things like notifications, multi-tasking, and folders are the stuff we take for granted and have been around for ages. Indeed, the mob complains when Apple “introduces” features such as panoramic photos or a new lock screen as the Cupertino gang isn’t inventing anything new.

Apple hasn’t done much inventing of new products or services in the last few decades. What they do, however, is take the stuff that previously exists and repackage it with an eye toward user experience. The family computer, MP3 player, and tablets were not new when Apple rolled them out. Didn’t matter, though, because Apple sells a boatload of their own designs.

Apple, for its part, should stop using so many adjectives to convince people they are ahead of the game. Terms like “magical” and “revolutionary” are tossed around all too often and people mistake this for leading-edge. Whatever…it’s Marketing 101 and Apple’s one the best professors around.

Getting back to iOS 7 and its eerily similar design to Android 4.0+, it’s something that cannot be denied. There are countless blogs and reports online that show just how much the two now resemble each other and some of them are quite fun to read. Yes, Apple “borrowed” from Android (and other platforms). No, this is not the first time.

So why should Android users be excited about the new Apple mobile OS? In a word – validation. This validates Google’s direction and design choices for Android. Not only has Google gotten much better at how things look and operate, but they do it in rapid iteration. Here’s a new feature, there’s a new look, here’s an update to improve things.

Think about all the great stuff that Android still offers over competition; universal and simple sharing, multi-windows, widgets, NFC support, and the ability to install apps from anywhere come to mind.

I’m reminded of conversations I’ve had with companies offering (free and paid) services that Google ultimately adds into Android. I would wrongly assume that these guys would be mad that Google was now offering the same stuff they did. As it turns out, these companies loved it because it validated their efforts. Wouldn’t youlike to know that you were a year or two ahead of Google?

It wasn’t all that long ago that Android was ridiculed for being clunky and unfriendly to users. Now it’s in the pole position.

Looking forward, we should be excited at how things progress with the next release(s) of Android. I don’t know about you but I’m anxious to see all the little features and user interface choices that come with 5.0 or Key Lime Pie… or whatever it’s called.

The sooner we all accept that Android’s going to be copied, the better. Along those lines, the more advances we see in Windows Mobile, iOS, and BlackBerry, the better. We need true competition and innovation because with them, things don’t progress.

It doesn’t matter who has more market share or how profitable each is. What matters is that all players keep the others on their toes. It’s a stupid old adage, but in the end we all win. We’re just fortunate enough to have a head start in the race.

Just come to terms with the fact that you’re a hipster and you’re mad that everyone likes your band.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Zara Amanda Project

Rentak Pelangi Project

RPM FM website..!!


(APPS Android)

Front icon.

V 1.0 First publish.
V1.1 Second publish Update.

Linked apps..



If you have a business with an online presence, then chances are a great deal of your website's hits comes from smartphones. But as advanced as smartphones are these days, your website was built for full-blown computer browsers. To attract mobile visitors to your site, it's a good idea to make your site mobile-friendly. You can either pay a mobile web/app developer to create a pretty (and costly) mobile app for your website/online business, OR you can create Android apps for your business in minutes. You can convert any web content to apps for Android OS. You don't need to code, create and support apps for different platforms. By converting or creating web widgets out of content from your website/blog, you can create nice, functioning apps that can offer a streamlined mobile version of your website that is sure to attract visitors. The way that we can offer free mobile app creation is via mobile ads that are embedded in your mobile site by Apps. The advantage to the site owner is that anytime a visitor clicks on an ad, you get paid a percentage. With the help of Apps (Android), you get access to millions of Android OS users, gaining traffic and attracting loyal visitors. Your App allows the mobile audience easier access to your services and information. Apps is currently in beta and already release in January 2013. For more information, contact us. "De'Art Technologies"


5 Biggest Copyright Pitfalls for Web Designers

5 Biggest Copyright Pitfalls for Web Designers

When it comes to design, copyright is often a very muddled gray area. Just as the lines between plagiarism and homage are often confusing, so too is the line between infringing and non-infringing use of copyrighted material. Since it is natural and even expected of Web designers to incorporate elements from other sites and other creations, it is important to understand the risks and hazards when it comes to copyright in Web design. As such, here are five of the most common copyright pitfalls Web designers face and how to best avoid them.

1. Images

The most common issue many web designers face when it comes to copyright law has to do with the images they use in their layouts. For some designers, it is common practice to find images they need by doing a Google search or pulling an unlicensed image from a stock photo library.

The problem with this is that, as Google itself warns, these images are usually protected by copyrights, and their use as part of a layout almost certainly constitutes an infringement. Historically, artists have not had many resources for finding such infringements, but as detection tools improve in quality and drop in price, more infringements are being detected.

It is important that you always make sure you have the rights to use an image in your layout, even if it is just a placeholder.

If you need to locate free images that you can use legally, search for Creative Commons-licensed work on Flickr or visit StockXchng (sxc.hu) to find high-resolution images you can use legally – as long as you are sure to follow the terms of the licenses carefully.

2. HTML/Source Code
Most Web designers are expected to crib some of their source code, either from other sites or their previous work. But where taking a portion of a page to get a table format or a few CSS elements from a stylesheet likely won’t raise any alarm, large scale copying, such as taking an entire style sheet or whole theme elements, likely constitutes copyright infringement.

The problem is that HTML code, much like computer software, is considered an original work of authorship, even if it is created with the help of tools, and enjoys copyright protection. Though you can’t copyright the general look of the site, meaning Google can’t copyright a white background with a center logo, you can protect the code that created that work.

The best way to avoid any issues over your source code is to create as much of it yourself as possible and limit any copying to only things that you could trivially reproduce but wanted to save time on. The more it becomes clear where your code came from, the more likely the copyright holder may become upset.

3. Platform Licensing
The days of static websites went out nearly a decade ago. Most sites today are built on top of a platform of some variety or another, be it WordPress, Joomla, Presta Shop or some other software. However, many of these tools have strict and/or unusual licensing requirements and it is easy for designers to run afoul of their terms when setting up a new site.

The most common mistake is installing a purchased application on too many sites; for example, by buying a one-domain license on ThemeForest for an application, but using it with multiple clients.

However, even open source applications carry risks as many designers, in an attempt to keep the site clean, remove attribution lines in the code and files on the server that are required as part of the license.

When using any software to build a site, take a moment to read thorough the license and understand what it means. Follow those terms closely. Developers are constantly becoming more savvy about tracking down those who violate their licenses and even authors that license under the GPL are becoming more aggressive about enforcing their terms.
4. Open Source Blunders
A related mistake comes when web designers use and publish works based on open source code, particularly GPLed code (which includes many WordPress themes) and forget to either retain the license information and/or fail to donate their modified code back to the GPL.

If you create a derivative work of a GPL-licensed one, such as making a GPL WordPress theme a different color, the new theme has to be licensed under the GPL.

If you are unsure of whether your new work meets the requirement for GPL “inheritance”, this 2001 article by Lawrence Rosen (http://www.sitepoint.com/article/public-license-explained/) explains it quite nicely.

5. Dummy Copy

Though the use of dummy text is largely a hold over from the print design world, many web designers continue to use it for various reasons. It can pose a great risk if the dummy copy is pulled from another site. Even if the copy is just for testing purposes, it still constitutes an infringement. It may be unwittingly harming the original authors if the search engines have detected the test site.

Generally speaking, it is best to either use content from the client’s current site if possible, or true lorem ipsum text if it isn’t (http://www.lipsum.com/). Considering that lorem ipsum text is actually more flexible than using articles and content from other sites, it makes sense in nearly every regard.

Be especially careful of scraping RSS feeds for the purpose of filling up a test application or blog, this is especially frowned upon by bloggers and may have your test site mistaken for a spam blog.
Bottom Line

In the end, it is important to keep copyright infringement in mind when designing websites and services. This is especially crucial if your test sites are public facing or may be indexed by the search engines – as you may find your test pages taken down by your host.

However, even if you test solely on a private server, it’s worth keeping these issues in mind so you do not pass along an infringing site to your clients, even by accident. Nothing will sour a relationship with a client faster than them receiving cease and desist letters or take-down notices for content in your layout.

Given the minimal amount of effort that it takes to remain on the right side of copyright law, it doesn’t make sense to even take the chance. It only takes a few minutes to do things correctly but it takes just one copyright infringement complaint to sandbag an entire design career